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Contact Us - Phuket Jet Ski Tour
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©2023 All rghts reserved -, Registered under the license of Department of Tourism (DOT) and The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) license No. 34 / 00395 - DBD logo is quarantee from Department of Business Development under The Ministry of
E - commerce of Thailand. This logo is to guarantee the legal tour service and to protect tourist under Thai Government Law.

  [email protected]
  +66 (0) 86 476 5546  /  +66 (0) 86 487 6711
  + 66(0) 86 476 5546  /  +66 (0) 86 487 6711
 paymentwe Chat Pay
 Address: 74 / 102 Srisutat Rd, Rassada Municipal District, Muang Phuket, Phuket Province 83000